Nice Things // January

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Happy 2016!

January is a time to relax, refresh, recharge, and stay cozy. I’ve started to stear away from standard New Years’ resolutions and have decided to focus on the larger picture: treating my body well with good food and relaxation (goodness knows it needs it after this busy autumn).  That’s why my collection of January nice things centres around rejuvenating your body, mind, and spirit. It’s grey and cold outside so cozy up indoors and enjoy some of these nice things to get you through the January blues.

1. Cove Rain bath salts // handmade in Deep Cove, BC, the scents of these mineral bath salts are inspired by the maker’s natural surroundings. Sprinkle some in your bathwater and slip away into a calm, fresh reverie.

2. Speckled clay mug // I’m a big fan of stoneware and speckled pottery. These mugs come in two jaunty handle styles and – most importantly – can hold your warm beverage of choice.

3. Floral kimono // I am in love with these gorgeous kimonos made from hand-printed Indian fabrics. Claire hosted a pop up in my neighbourhood and I had to stop myself from buying them all. Her online shop is coming soon!

4. Sage smudge stick // smudge sticks are an old ritual used for cleansing impurities from a space. Whether you want to cleanse or just love the smell it leaves behind, these are a lovely way to bring balance to your home.

5. Roaming blanket // cozy up in one of Aritzia’s blanket scarves. They keep your neck safe from the cold, and they are large enough to envelop you while marathoning Netflix.

6. Recharge candle // I love the scents of rosemary and mint together. Rosemary is warm and welcoming and mint is fresh and bright. Aptly named ‘Recharge’, I’d keep one of these in every room in the house.

7. 3 Times a Day cookbook // I love this cookbook. Marilou & Alexandre Champagne have created a beautiful collection of recipes and photography, each categorized (‘indulgent’ is a good place to start).

8. Porcelain incense holder // handmade in LA, these one-of-a-kind incense holders are small stunning works of art. An example of something useful and beautiful.

9. 100 Mysteries tea // My favourite tea handmade in Toronto. Filled with coconut, cardamom, almonds, ginger, and black pepper, this rooibos tea is meant to warm and balance the body.

Enjoy The Sunnyside


When I was in Vancouver about a month ago I took a trip to Deep Cove. Oh what a strange and lovely place it was! It looked like somewhere straight from David Lynch’s mind. Dim light, towering mountains, calm reflective waters, and an ever-presence of fog. It was so beautiful and mysterious.

Within the small handful of shops on the main drag I found Sunnyside. What a bright gem on this 2-block shopping strip! Upon entering, I was immediately engulfed in the most wonderful scent – a medley of all the handmade candles, teas, bath salts, and soaps on the shelves. I visited that shop 3 times while in Deep Cove (I was only there for a day trip) and I purchased many lovely things to bring home.

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They make their own candles, bath salts, and soaps in scents inspired by the Cove. Taking a deep breath of any in their collection relaxes my whole body immediately. Along with those beautifully scented goods, they create and sell their own tea blends and have them all for sale in the shop, tea leaves or tea latte style. They also carry beautiful hand crafted pottery, inspiring books, and sweet planters. I stocked my bags full, and will need to replenish in time for Christmas.

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All images courtesy of

Jess Hotson Textiles

ff_jesshotsontextiles_s+o Jess Hotson makes things that I would break my bank to own – and probably will very soon.

Her beautiful tapestries and wall hangings are made from all natural fibres and handwoven from scratch in Toronto. She makes them in all different sizes – just imagine how wonderful it would be to have a large tapestry (20″ x 31″) hanging above your bed or by your breakfast nook, waking you with a smile every morning.

I love how unique, organic, and quirky her creations are. They celebrate texture, colour, and natural design, and are perfectly imperfect. I want one (or some)!

Check out her Etsy shop: